I had been going back and for trying to decide how I was going to prepare for my races next year and what races I was actually going to do. Did I need a coach, someone to kick my butt and can show me where to improve, was there enough info online to go it alone? Just as I was trying to decide Adena posted this entry on her blog. The timing couldn't have been better, I took it as the universe was telling me what I needed to do. I finally got up the nerve to make it real and reached out to Nancy this weekend. Last weekend I started putting a list together of races I thought would prep me for my goal of doing the half iron in Muskoka next September. During my first chat with Nancy she added a few more events.
So for 2012 this is what it looks like (I'm a little scared):
•Chilly half (which is great because I don't want to lose my endurance etc from the summer)
•Mississauga Half
•2 sprint triathlons
•1 Olympic triathlon and then..,
•The Muskoka 70.3 ironman in September.
Sunday I ventured out for a 5k around the neighborhood bike path. It was really nice to get outside and run, haven't done that since the race.
I have been pushing a little harder lately trying to run faster and it seems to be paying off. My speed has improved from an average 6.2 k to 7-7.2k and hour.
The run for hope (or road to hope) run is this coming weekend. My battle friend Ali is running her first race this weekend!!! She spent many nights out on the track with me this summer so when she asked me to join her for this event there was NO WAY I was going to say no! She never planned to run a race but I am so proud of her for sticking to it and signing up! Looking forward to race day with you lady!
Living and training in the here and now. I used to worry about everything but not any more. NOW I focus on what's in my control and don't worry about it isn't. Feel free to follow along as I continue my journey to become an Ironman!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
My First Ever Half Marathon!
The actual area for the race kits was very organized and I didn't have to wait in line to get my bag. They directed me over to guys activating the timing chip and that was it, the rest of the time I wandered around looking at different things. I ended up seeing John Stanton at the Running Room booth.
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People gathering in the corrals |
Saturday I did some running around but tried to just relax and stay off my feet when I was at home. My entertainment for the evening was doing laundry to wash my favorite running socks and pants and watching the hockey game. I called it a night and went to bed around 10:30 but probably didn't really fall asleep until at least midnight.
The alarm went off a 6:00 am followed by my back-up alarm about a minute later. I hit snooze and got up maybe 10-15 minutes. I got myself ready and made an egg and bacon sandwich for the drive into the city. We stopped for a coffee and the way and I saw a women wearing "running" clothes and figured she was racing too. We were on the highway and moving eastbound through oakville and mississauga in no time. I started to feel nervous with a few butterflies about the time we got to the gardner.
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Fauja Singh (100 yr old Marathon Runner) |
We got into the city just after 7am and found parking pretty quickly and close to the starting line. We made our over to University and there was already a ton of people getting ready and moving into the starting corrals. We wandered around a bit and I got myself ready, before I knew it we were queue up and getting ready to start. We saw Fauja Singh (the Centurion running the marathon), he started in the same corral as me so we snapped a few pictures of him,what an inspiration!
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Adjusting my garbage bag |
The first few kilometers felt somewhat surreal for me. I was used to running solo on my long runs and this was very, very different. I felt more comfortable on the side of the road and tried to keep an eye on my heart-rate as much as possible. It was a little high at the start but I figured that was normal for race day. I was probably in about 2-3km when I got warm enough to toss the extra t-shirt I had worn for an extra layer.
Running felt different during the race, at the beginning it felt like it didn't require as much effort, maybe I was just feeling the buzz and
getting energy from my fellow racers. I made my way down around through the city streets passing both the old Castek offices and remember some of the good times I had at both places. I continued down lakeshore passing the main arteries of the city and started to make the climb up the one hill on the lakeshore I think it's around Spadina, I was about an hour in at this point I think when I started seeing the guys running to qualify for London 2012. It was amazing to see them coming back past me already. Us slower runners were cheering them on as they passed, you could totally see the effort they were putting in and I think it probably made all of us perk up a bit and push that little bit harder.
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Just a few 100 meters off the start line |
They had the distance markers along the way and kept thinking the 10km point would have been the turnaround point at Windermere but I was wrong. I kept seeing the markers on the second half but the distance was adding up in my head and I was having a hard time because of it. I should know better by now to stop trying to do the math in my head when I'm running because usually I am totally wrong. I just want to get to the turn around point and start my way back. It wasn't until I starting seeing the sea of runners making their way eastbound did I realize how many people were running. It was incredible to see everyone. I noticed only 1 person wearing the "glove"like shoes although I'm sure there were more and I actually saw a guy running totally barefoot, gross for a few reasons!
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a sea of runners |
I ended up making a pit-stop around 2:15 hours into the race I think I was around 13kms in. I didn't want to stop but the first half I kept thinking I should stop but the lines were so long so I waited until I couldn't wait anymore. My initial goal was to finish in under three hours, 2:59:59 would have been AMAZING but after I stopped I realized with the distance I had left, there was no way I was going to be able to come in under three hours and I was okay with it. I still pushed and and tried to keep my heart rate as high as I could without maxing out. During this time the 5km racers starting flying past me andI was pretty happy when I saw the 18 and 19km markers and so relieved when I so the 20km marker. When I saw the 20km flag I starting running faster, I checked my heart rate and it was in the high 170's but I didn't want to stop or slow down, at that point I just wanted to get to the finish line.
I made the turn at Bay and Lakeshore and saw the "500m to go" sign and thought to myself, okay that's just a bit more than a lap around the track. I passed through the tunnel at Union and starting making the climb up the hill to Front Street. For the record, a climb to the finish line at the very end of the race is a little cruel...anyway, I saw the 200m to go sign and keep pushing. It was such a strange feeling seeing all the people waiting at the finish line, the sides of the street were packed! At the very end they had two lanes with the finish time clocks and I ended up going in under the 5km clock. I was a little worried and thought my timing would have been messed up but there wasn't anything I could do. I crossed the finish line and heard the beep of the time chip and was so relived.
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Approaching the last 100m marker |
The time to complete my first ever half-marathon was 3:10:29 and I was pretty happy with it in the end I checked my 20km training run and I spend 3:26 that day so considering I went a little further and I finished 16 minutes faster. For nutrition I started off with a pack of the jelly beans, 3-4 gels, a few cups of water and gatorade from the stations and a pack and half of the fruit chews. After crossing the finish line I inhaled a bagel and half a banana while I waiting in line for my massage (best money I could have spent) and had another G2 on the way home.
I tried looking for Tony but I had no idea where he was in the crowd or if he was even able to find a place to watch at the finish line but it was nice to know that he was there with me supporting me the whole way. He supported me from the very begining when I was so upset after my first RR night. He never gave up believing that I could do it. He joined me when he could for training runs always encouraged me to dig a little deeper and run a little faster, I couldn't have done this without him! I love you babe!
All in all, am amazing experience and I can't wait for the 10km race on Nov 5 and what ever races I end up registering for after that. I am already thinking about sighing up for the Mississauga Marathon but probably another half. I figure I have to get down to between 2-3 hours before I go for a full 42km and I learned a few lessons for my next long race:
1) Don't stop for a pit stop (if I HAVE to stop, it better be an emergency!)
2) Don't use the water stations - bring the liquid and nutrition I plan on using
Monday, October 10, 2011
turkey day 10km
I was planning to go for a run yesterday before the family fun day that included back-to-back turkey dinners but I ended up watching most of the Penguins/Flames game instead. So that mean going today, which actually worked out great! I just got back from a fantastic run.
I headed out and did much of the same route I used for my 20km last Monday following a lot of the hydro field bike path. It was about 26 degrees when I left the house, it seemed to already be cooling down from earlier in the day and really the weather couldn't have been better. It was a bit strange though seeing all the beautiful fall colours with such mild weather.
I learned a very important lesson today, DO NOT touch runtastic while the blackberry is still in the arm band! I lost my record from today's run before I even to got to see my stats but I had glanced down and saw my speed was in the 8km/h range!
It felt great when I was finishing up my last 2-3kms, I had the whole track to myself and was thinking about next Sunday and I could feel myself smiling. Before I went for a run I was watching some older ironman video's online and it was great inspiration. If you ever need motivation to exercise just watch some of those clips.
In my post from my Friday night run, I had forgotten to mention something I wanted to share. I was just about over half-way done, going north on guelph line approaching the lights at the plaza where the bike path crosses and I just been passed by an older man on a bike. He was probably in his mid-late 40's (I get to say older...I'm "only" 31! ;o) ) When I caught up to him while he was waiting at the lights and he had smiled and given me a thumbs up. I smiled back and felt great. It's amazing the encouragement that is shared between people who are complete strangers. I felt great after that and probably had picked up the pace a little. It was a reminder to me to give that same motivation and encouragement to the people I pass whenever I'm out there. It's sometimes that little push we need to go that little bit further and push ourselves to go a little bit harder. So to the man waiting at the lights, Thanks! :)
I headed out and did much of the same route I used for my 20km last Monday following a lot of the hydro field bike path. It was about 26 degrees when I left the house, it seemed to already be cooling down from earlier in the day and really the weather couldn't have been better. It was a bit strange though seeing all the beautiful fall colours with such mild weather.
I learned a very important lesson today, DO NOT touch runtastic while the blackberry is still in the arm band! I lost my record from today's run before I even to got to see my stats but I had glanced down and saw my speed was in the 8km/h range!
It felt great when I was finishing up my last 2-3kms, I had the whole track to myself and was thinking about next Sunday and I could feel myself smiling. Before I went for a run I was watching some older ironman video's online and it was great inspiration. If you ever need motivation to exercise just watch some of those clips.
In my post from my Friday night run, I had forgotten to mention something I wanted to share. I was just about over half-way done, going north on guelph line approaching the lights at the plaza where the bike path crosses and I just been passed by an older man on a bike. He was probably in his mid-late 40's (I get to say older...I'm "only" 31! ;o) ) When I caught up to him while he was waiting at the lights and he had smiled and given me a thumbs up. I smiled back and felt great. It's amazing the encouragement that is shared between people who are complete strangers. I felt great after that and probably had picked up the pace a little. It was a reminder to me to give that same motivation and encouragement to the people I pass whenever I'm out there. It's sometimes that little push we need to go that little bit further and push ourselves to go a little bit harder. So to the man waiting at the lights, Thanks! :)
Friday, October 7, 2011
looking back
On my way home today I was going over my game plan for this evening and was thinking about squeezing in a run, just a little one. My mind started to wander as it usually does and I starting thinking about my first night at the Running Room clinic. It was16 weeks ago already, where has the time gone? I was thinking about how terrible my first group run was, seriously it was bad, I'm not exaggerating...read it if you don't believe me. Re-reading that post just now takes me back to the feelings of despair and fear I had then, those are certainly all gone now because I ran 20km on Sunday! Back then I didn't think I was going to make it to this point and considered giving up but I didn't. Instead, every week I laced up my shoes and strapped on my gear and headed out there and just ran.
My run on Wednesday was the fastest I had ever run, with my average speed at 7.1kph until tonight. I ran my fastest 3km ever with my average speed at 7.3kph and my pace at 8:12 a min/km. This was my third run since my long run on Monday and I feel like I have been elevated or that I catapulted to a new level with my running.
I was looking at my plan earlier this week, Tuesday I think and realized I had been following the 2:00 to complete schedule instead of the actual "to complete" schedule. I couldn't believe it! It is about an hour and half difference between to two when it comes to finishing time...but now, I'm actually really glad that it was a harder plan all along.
My run on Wednesday was the fastest I had ever run, with my average speed at 7.1kph until tonight. I ran my fastest 3km ever with my average speed at 7.3kph and my pace at 8:12 a min/km. This was my third run since my long run on Monday and I feel like I have been elevated or that I catapulted to a new level with my running.
I was looking at my plan earlier this week, Tuesday I think and realized I had been following the 2:00 to complete schedule instead of the actual "to complete" schedule. I couldn't believe it! It is about an hour and half difference between to two when it comes to finishing time...but now, I'm actually really glad that it was a harder plan all along.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The training runs don't get any longer
Monday was a vacation day, but it was anything but a holiday. I took the day off work to run the 20km that were on my training schedule, you know you're a running when you take time off work to go for a run.
I started off down my street and connected to the lower part of the bike path. It was gorgeous. The weather was cooperating, the rain was holding off and I felt warmer than I had expected. I had three layers on and that ended up being too warm. As I made my way down the path the air was cool and the smell of fall leaves followed me. I love the autumn, it has to be my favorite season. I use to think spring was but running this fall has given me a better appreciation for it.

I ran my way along the path and connected to the service road by Costco which lead me to Brant Street. I was thankful I had my new runners on because when I turned onto Brant I lost the path and was now on the sidewalk. My legs and hips take a beating when I hit the hard concrete.
Unfortunately, I didn't do the full running schedule last week before the long run and I think that hurt me more than I thought it would. I did a lot of walking, but it's just not the same. I only got two short runs in and that was NOT enough. I starting feeling it probably before I was half way, coming back across the bike path I hurting but I carried on and made my way over to the track to wrap up the last 4km.
Runtastic has been my running app all summer and the last long run, it died on me and I lost my run data, so Monday I was keeping any eye on it and checking it to make sure it was still tracking. I was just finishing up the laps around the track, I think I had 2 left and I went to double check and sure enough...I lost my data! I was so disappointed, but at least I had my HRM data.
I finished the 20k in 3h 26m and burned about 1950 calories. I have never burned so many calories during exercise before...I probably have never burned that many at once ever! It felt really good, as much as it hurt, it felt great to go the distance.
Edited to add...
I wanted to mention the nutrition I used during the run as I learned a lesson the hard way last time. I started off having a pack of jelly belly beans (with electrolytes) to get me going. I packed two packs of the fruit chews and two gels. I also took one regular Gatorade and a bottle of water. I finished everything and felt pretty good after, and the best part no nausea after! I also decided to switch back to the G2 gatorade as it has WAY less sugar and calories.
I was looking at all the calories I have burned (through runtastic) and it was something like 38,000 so I could have lost at least 10 lbs with all the running I have done, but instead I think I have gained that much! So enough is enough...back to calorie counting on MFD.
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